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Wills & Estates

What is a Last Will & Testament and do I need one?

A will, sometimes referred to as a person’s “last will & testament” is a document that a person prepares (usually with the assistance of an estate planning attorney) that sets forth how, and to whom,  a person wants their assets to pass when they die. What does a will do? A will governs the transfer […]

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What Happens When the Owner Of An LLC Dies?

A Nashua business owner asks. The death of the owner of any type of small business can be difficult to surmount. The company is confronted with the loss of a key manager and decision maker, and is faced with questions concerning how to keep the business going and how to compensate the owners’ heirs for […]

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The new “Secure Act” legislation

The new “Secure Act” legislation expected to be passed by Congress will affect estate planning & retirement planning in 2020 and beyond. As part of the late 2019 pile of bills expected to be passed to keep the government open, it is anticipated that Congress will pass a bill that will affect the retirement savings […]

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Undue Influence on Last Will

My mother died and left almost everything to my brother, and very little to me. I think my brother influenced our mother to change her Last Will.  What can I do? A legal action may be brought against the brother for undue influence if it is supported by the evidence. First, consider carefully what makes […]

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NH Homestead Allowance

Q:  Nashua estate planning client has questions about whether his parent’s manufactured home is covered by the NH “homestead” allowance? A homestead is a dwelling owned and used as the principal place of residence by the person claiming the homestead.  Under RSA 480:1 every person is “entitled to $120,000 worth of his or her homestead, […]

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The Importance of Drafting a Will: The Case of Aretha Franklin

If you have ever wondered if it is worth the time and effort to draft a will, look no further than the Aretha Franklin estate for your answer. Aretha Franklin left an eighty-million-dollar estate comprised of the assets of her musical legacy, and it was initially presumed that she left no will. When someone dies […]

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Deceased Person’s “Digital Assets”

New Hampshire’s recently adopted law on access to and administration of a deceased person’s “digital assets” provides some clarity on a complex issue. Terms of service agreements and privacy policies govern access to social media and email accounts, and most expire when a user dies and are not transferable. Surviving family members are unable to access social media accounts […]

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Do I Need To Go To Probate Court?

My Parent Died In Nashua Owning Real Estate, Do I Need To Go To Probate Court? Yes, if the deed to the real estate was in your parent’s name only. When a person dies owning real estate in his/her sole name, then the real estate must go through the legal process of Probate Court administration […]

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Hollis, New Hampshire Estate Planning Clients Ask:

What Are Motivating Factors For Estate Planning And Business Planning? A recent client consultation touched on the “whys” of estate planning and business planning. As in, what do most people want to accomplish when they come in to our offices? Here is my unofficial “top five” list. 1. Incapacity planning for an aging loved (including […]

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