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Dog Bite Injury Lawyer Hudson, NH

dog bite injury lawyer Hudson, NH

Many dog bites are purely accidental. However, that does not mean that you do not have the right to hold the dog’s owner responsible for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you have been attacked by a pet, contact our Hudson, NH dog bite injury lawyer now. At Welts, White, & Fontaine, P.C., we have the experience, reputation, and the right approach to win your personal injury claim. Our firm has been honored with numerous awards for client advocacy. Let us fight for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Get started by scheduling a free consultation today.

Legal Representation For Dog Bite Victims

A dog bite is a type of personal injury claim. Our attorney takes on the tasks of investigating the incident, gathering evidence to support your injuries, and negotiating with the dog owner’s insurance company to recover compensation for your losses. In most personal injury cases, proving negligence is essential to winning a claim. However, the burden of proof for liability is much less involved in dog bite cases. Pets are considered property under the law, so owners are generally automatically at fault for any harm their dog causes. Strict liability laws are relevant even if the animal was never aggressive before or if the owner took proper precautions, like using a leash.

However, there are several factors that could improve your claim that our dog bite attorney will focus on while representing you. For example, if the animal has a history of aggressive behavior, we can use that information to show that the bite was predictable. Conversely, if the owner argues that you aggravated the animal, encouraging its dangerous behavior, we will advocate for your rights and defend against these allegations.

Guiding Clients Through The Legal Process After A Dog Bite

If you have been bitten by a dog, seek medical attention immediately. Even if you only have a minor scratch, animals carry several forms of dangerous bacteria and diseases. Plus, seeking proactive medical care helps build a chain of evidence and may strengthen your claim overall. Most dog bite claims fall under the owner’s home insurance policy. It is essential to speak with our Hudson dog bite injury lawyer before making a statement. While strict liability laws should apply to your case, it is wise to let our experienced team handle all communications to avoid accidentally admitting fault or accepting a settlement offer that is less than what you deserve.

Our personal injury attorneys are skilled negotiators and will aggressively fight to maximize your compensation. If we are unable to reach an agreement through mediation, our lawyer will take your case to court. In cases where homeowners do not have proper insurance coverage, it may be necessary to file a civil suit to recover damages. The at-fault party might try to convince you to let them pay for your medical bills to avoid legal action. However, there are other losses you may be entitled to be compensated for, such as missed work, emotional distress, and future healthcare needs.

How Attorneys Get Justice For Dog Bite Claims

Dog bites are a civil matter, so justice is financial. Our personal injury lawyer will calculate your total damages by considering the severity of your injuries, records of the dog’s behavior, if the owner was intentionally negligent, and how your injuries have impacted your quality of life. If you suffer severe trauma like extensive facial or bodily disfigurements, our lawyer will also factor in the cost of your future medical needs like rehabilitation or plastic surgery. Recovery from dog bites can range from getting stitches removed to surgery. If you lost wages because of the incident, we may be able to collect compensation to make up this income.

Furthermore, getting attacked by a dog is emotionally traumatic, and it is not uncommon for victims to experience distress or PTSD afterward. These non-economic factors may be considered by a judge in extreme dog bite cases. Our dog bite lawyer may consult professionals, including animal behaviorists, therapists, and physicians, to identify the full scope of your injuries. The testimony of third-party specialists can be leveraged to strengthen your claim and secure maximum compensation,

You don’t have to face a dog bite claim alone. Call Welts, White, & Fontaine, P.C. now to schedule a free and confidential case review. Our competent Hudson dog bite injury lawyer will discuss your options for pursuing legal action. Our legal team has decades of personal injury law experience and will fiercely represent your rights and interests. Let us handle the legalities while you focus on recovery. Contact our office today to get the legal guidance you need to win your dog bite case.

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