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Thomas J. Leonard

Health Care Professionals and Management and Consulting Agreements

New Hampshire dentists (and other health care professionals) should tread carefully with their agreements with management and consulting vendors. A key issue in a health care transaction between licensed healthcare professionals and non-professionals providing comprehensive management services is whether the agreement will run afoul of state rules prohibiting the corporate practice of medicine, dentistry or […]

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The NH Realtors Purchase and Sale Agreement…

… And What It Means For Windham, NH Clients When people buy or sell a home in New Hampshire, there are many legal documents that are part of the transaction. Often the documents are forms which are very typical or standard, but raise questions and concerns for inexperienced Buyers and Sellers. One of the common […]

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Property Description Clauses In Purchase and Sale Agreements

Purchase and Sales Agreement The standard Purchase and Sales Agreement as prepared by the NH Association of REALTORS includes a section where the real estate, which is subject to the sale and purchase, is described. In that section, the Agreement defines the term “Property”. It is the only place where the Buyer and the Seller […]

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Adverse Possession of Property under New Hampshire Law

The concept of “adverse possession” is one of the oldest doctrines in property law. In simple terms, if a person is deemed to have adversely possessed someone else’s property for a long enough period of time, the first person may be able to acquire legal ownership over it. In order to acquire title to real […]

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More 2016 Updates to New Hampshire Real Estate Law

New Purchase and Sale Disclosure Requirements Effective January 1, 2016, home buyers must be provided with an Arsenic Disclosure in their Purchase and Sale Agreements. This disclosure will take its place in the New Hampshire Realtors Association standard Purchase and Sale contract alongside radon and lead paint disclosures. The Arsenic Disclosure will read as follows: […]

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Attorney Jay Leonard Named to Nashua Court’s Steering Committee

Attorney Thomas J. Leonard has been named to the Hillsborough County South Drug Court steering committee. The Nashua court, which recently celebrated its first year of operation, is one of several “alternative sentencing programs” in New Hampshire which aim to tackle drug-related crimes with substance abuse treatment and monitoring rather than prison sentences. The Nashua […]

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Life Estates

Nashua, NH area client asks: Does a life estate make sense for my property? When someone creates a life estate (the “grantor”), she devises a certain piece of real estate to someone for his life (the “life tenant”). Once he dies, ownership of the property either reverts back to the grantor, or goes to the […]

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How Do Business Owners Assure Limited Liability?

Without question one of the major advantages of doing business in the form of a corporation or a limited liability company is the limitation of liability for owners. Generally, shareholders of a corporation and members of a limited liability company enjoy limited liability. Their personal assets are generally safe from the claims of the company’s […]

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