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August 18, 2014

Summer Safety Tips

Posted in Personal Injury

Summer Safety Tips to Avoid Personal InjuryAccidents are defined as events that happen unexpectedly without apparent or deliberate cause.  Sometimes accidents do happen, and no one is to blame or be held legally liable.  This does not mean, however, that we cannot do things to help prevent accidents from happening in the first instance.

As the end of summer approaches and we try to soak up as much sun as possible before the snow comes again, it is important to maintain healthy safety habits to help ensure an injury-free ending to our summer vacation. Here are some safety tips to help you through these last few weeks of this summer season.

1. Fire Safety.  Whether you are outside grilling meats or making s’mores in a backyard fire pit, it is important to keep fire units away from building structures, low-hanging tree branches, and other shrubbery.  In addition, never leave a fire unattended, even if it is covered by a grill lid or pit screen.  Also, remember to remove grease and other build-up from your fire units after they cool down to avoid flare-ups the next time you use them.

2. Bike Safety.  Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or motorcycle, even if you are only a backseat passenger.  In addition, always follow the Rules of the Road and be cautious of any constructions zones you may need to travel through.  Also, avoid wearing loose-fitted clothing that could get caught in the mechanics of the bike and cause an accident.

3. Water/Pool Safety.  As the weather continues to heat up, it is not a bad idea to cool down with a dip in the water.  Remember to swim with a buddy whenever possible, and never dive into a pool or watering hole if you cannot see the bottom or depth of the water.  Also, consider taking swimming lessons if you do not know how to swim or want to advance your swimming skills; it is never too late to learn…and reapply sunscreen regularly!

4. Running Safety.  Avoid wearing headphones when running on public roads and dark clothing when running at night to help avoid accidents.  In addition, whether you run, walk, or go hiking this summer, be sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water and proper foods.  Also, know your limits to avoid heat exhaustion, and call 9-1-1 at the first sign of heatstroke.

5. Garden Safety.  We all love the colors and smells of flowers, food gardens, and other plants around our houses; be sure to wear gloves when working in your garden to prevent unwanted critter bites, stings, and cuts.  Also, avoid chemicals, insecticides, and fertilizers that could potentially be poisonous, especially when you share your outdoor space with children and pets.  In addition, keep the trees and shrubbery around your driveway, sidewalks, and streets trimmed to prevent vision impairments that might cause a motor vehicle accident.
If you or someone you know has been injured and you want to know what rights you have as the injured party, call us here at Welts, White & Fontaine, P.C. to speak with one of our personal injury attorneys and mention this article.  We offer free consultations to all potential personal injury clients and are happy to assist and accommodate you in your time of need.

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